Truth Seekers Library

Introducing a smart library with books designed for different age groups.

TS Library is a way of giving your children books and services which provide inspiration, fun, humility, joy, learning, entertainment and most importantly meaningful lessons of life.

Childhood needs to be protected and nurtured in a compassionate, enriching and balanced way. Our focus is to protect the true values that our community hold and impart those values to the coming generation through our books.

Our services offer borrowing of books to children of all age groups. Our wonderfully designed collection of books will facilitate curiosity, expression, gratitude, thankfulness, creativity and analytical thinking among the minds of young readers and even parents. Our books have been carefully picked from different publishers which have the sole purpose of giving knowledge about the truth.

Library Setup and Kit : If you wish to establish a library for your local community, we are prepared to offer comprehensive support, including assistance with setup, provision of free software, training, and an initial collection of books.

For any query, contact